It's been a while, how are you all doing? Me, just ducky - quack, quack...
Part of the reason it's taken so long for me to post has been a lack of creativity on my part, a little laziness and a just a little busy-ness for me. No major news to impart except that my hubby is back from Asia. My daughter has graduated from middle school, the dog is groomed and my MIL has started her dental implant procedure, scintillating, right - right...
This is where the good and the bad comes in. I like to think of myself as an optimistic pessimist. No, that's not an oxymoron. It's an accurate description of my thought processes and how I approach life. I am always hopeful, positive and optimistic about life. The glass is always half full - (it got that way because it has a slow leak...)
I don't expect bad things to happen, but I'm never surprised when they do. I reserve the right to not be surprised when things go south... get it? Some examples:
GOOD: I finally got my haircut and I still think I like it!
BAD: I look like Justin Beiber - just 50+ year old female version...
GOOD: It's finally summer! Sunshine, vacation, warm weather!
BAD: The sun hates me (and I hate the sun) I'm the type of person who goes out and burns going directly to red, peeling and either freckling or I go right back to white...I can't afford a vacation (and I desperately need one). My daughter has her heart set on going to NYC and I know we will be there during the hotest week in July (Kenzie's rule - whatever can go wrong, will go wrong). This brings me to warm weather - my internal thermostat is permanently in the HOT position and I will be a dripping, sodden mess two minutes after I walk out of the air conditioning...
GOOD: It's been a full year since my hysterectomy surgery and I have suffered NO complications or bad effects - Yippeee!!!
BAD: I gained back all the weight I lost....not.another.word.
GOOD: My daughter graduated from middle school with a very, very, very good average. (Very proud mama and papa here)
BAD: OMG! my daughter starts HIGH SCHOOL this September! ARRGGHH!!! Panic to follow...
I will have to drive her everyday as she chose to go to a different high school than she was assigned to. Can you say 7:45 a.m. start time! I can't get my left eye opened at 7:45 in the morning...
BAD BONUS: College in 4 years! We haven't saved enough money!!!! Is there a lottery drawing tonight?
So, you see - an optimistic pessimist. The perfect combination of both worlds...